OGBCA Fall Clinic
Register now! Pay at the door. We hope to see you there.
Hennessey Super Scrimmage
Hennessey is needing one more team to feel its Super Scrimmage on Nov 16th. Cost is $125 (Officials) and you will play three games. If...
Wilson JH Festival
Wilson is looking to host a JH Festival the week of NOV. 18th (no Saturday game) for both boys & girls. If interested contact Kelli Kana...
Hennessey Needs JH Games
Hennessey is looking for a couple of JH basketball games to fill their upcoming basketball season. We normally play a 7/8 format, but we...
Verdigris is looking for scrimmages. If interested contact Mike Buntin @ 918-645-4549 or Bryan Wesson at 918-467-0700
Ripley HS Looking for Scrimmage
Saturday Nov. 23rd Home or Away 580-572-8281 Email: justust@ripley.k12.ok.us